The recent Chennai floods has been devastating and has led to huge losses. But what it upheld was Humanity and integrity in the society.
At InPhase we have done our little to upkeep this Humanity and Integrity. InPhase along with it’s own contribution and from other extended families did it’s best to supply some relief materials to the #ChennaiFloods.
Here are some pictures from the relief materials that we sent to Chennai on Sunday the 6th Dec 2015.
Thanks to all InPhasian’s and others who contributed through money, time and kindness.
We will update this post once we get an update of the pictures of the distribution in Chennai.
Thanks again for all your supports.
We wish hope Chennai the quickest recovery to normal life.
——-Updated on 12th December 2015———-
Pictures of InPhase relief materials being distributed
InPhase Power is a Power Electronic Product company manufacturing products for Power Quality and Power Conversion. InPhase is manufacturer of Active Filter, Active Harmonic Filter, Solar Inverter.
InPhase is a Bangalore based product development company on power systems that manufactures Active Harmonic Filter, Reactive Power Compensation with Power Factor Correction, Solar Converters Indigenously. InPhase majors in power system design for power quality and conversion. Driven by a management that has a combined experience of over 60Â years in power system and power electronics InPhase nurtures innovation and passion in this field.